Monday, 20 February 2012

Dreams Do Come True!

I've been singing and songwriting since I was 10 years old. During those first few years I thought my songs sounded 'so cool'! Years later I remember listening to the the recording of them I had made on a cassette tape and thinking, "Oh my gosh, they sound sooooo corny!" Now, I cherish them. I cherish the wonderful and weird things that inspired me to write them. Since the age of 12 or 13 I wanted to record an album. When I was in grade 8 my singing debut started in my little home town. The song people continually asked me to sing was 'I Will Always Love You' as sung by Whitney Houston. She was my favorite singer (and still is). From that time on, friends, family and various town folk who had heard me sing told me I should do an album. I thought, "One day I will." 

When I was 17, I auditioned to be one of 10 people to record a song on an album called New Talent Canada. It was being produced by a small recording company based outside of Kelowna, BC. They invited me to record a song on the album which of course I happily agreed to! I had the privilege of recording a song I wrote. The album itself didn't really take off but, as you can imagine, I was incredibly grateful for the invitation and the experience. I was a little closer to my dream of recording my own album.

It is now 17 years later and I know without a doubt, that it is time to make this 'dream' a reality. I've been in 'someday' mode for a very long time. In December of 2011 I had a strong sense that I should only focus on one big goal and that was to do all the prep work so that within a year I would be in the studio recording my first album. So that is what I'm doing and I'm totally stoked about it! There is a lot of work to be done and money needed but I don't care. I have set my face like flint to make it happen as I believe Father God is the one who planted this dream in my heart to begin with! 

God is a dream giver but He usually requires that we, by faith, begin to take practical steps toward the dream. I'm trusting that He will lead me through this process and will provide divine appointments with the right people along the way to make it a reality. 

I want to share a song I wrote in December of 2011 with you. I wrote it during a time of uncertainty. A season of my life had closed and I had no idea where God was taking me. Even now, though I see glimpses, I still don't have it all figured out. I only know that He knows, and that's enough. I have included a raw, unedited, un-instrumentified recording of the song for you to listen to as well as the lyrics. Just click on the link below.

Lead On

I can’t say that I know the future
I can’t say that I always understand
I don’t know where the bends in the road are
All I know is I’m holding Your hand
I can’t see where I’m going
But I’m with the God who is all-knowing

So lead on
Lead on
Lead on
I will follow

Words & Music by Crystal Lalonde
Copyright December 2011


  1. Crystal,
    Congratulations on following your dream! God will help you, especially since He gave it to you. Keep focusing on Him - it will happen!
    I enjoyed your song.

  2. Crystal!
    Oh It's wonderful song. I am happy that you who met first when I came here. Proud of you! I am looking forward to listening your great songs. God keep you!

    1. Thank you Minsun! I'm glad you came to Canada!

  3. Yay Crystal! That is awesome... thanks for sharing! My girls listened to the song and read the words with me. We enjoyed "being a part" of the beginning. :)

    Love you and excited for you! Keep it up, as it inspires others to their own personal greatness. Isn't that what we are truly called to?

    XOXOXO... Jen Antoniou, and girls.

    1. Aww that's so cute. Y'all sang together! Thanks for your encouragement. It is my hope that others would be inspired to take steps to follow their God-given dreams and see them fulfilled too!

      Bless you and your family!


  4. SO SO excited to see how the Lord IS leading you. You have a beautiful gift and I feel privileged to be walk in sisterhood with you. Bless you as you follow Him! Xoxo

  5. Thank you Heather! Bless ya sista!


  6. Crystal,
    I am so excited to see you launching with your music and making the declaration that 2012 will be the year of your CD! I know this is your life purpose - music and worship and we'll support you every way we can.

    1. Karen you rock! Thanks for the encouragement! :O)

  7. Crystal Iam so happy for you.And yes dear you got a beautiful voice I love hearing you sing in Church when I get there.So I will pray for you and give all my blessing to you and all the bests with it.God is with you all the way


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